What We Do

One Stop Solution

What We Do.

We provide value-added sourcing and manufacturing services for all forms of merchandise classifications.

Design and Product Development

To provide design and product development support from fiber to garments to leading retailers and brands using integrated manufacturing resources, powerful CAD tools and interface

Factory Sourcing

In the dynamic world of global trade, efficient factory sourcing is the backbone of successful businesses. Whether you’re a buying house, retailer, or brand, finding reliable manufacturers and suppliers is essential. In this guide, we’ll explore what factory sourcing services entail, why they matter, and how to navigate this intricate landscape.

Product Cost Engineering

Cost engineering isn’t just about crunching numbers; it’s where financial pragmatism meets strategic decision-making. Picture this: a team of experts huddled around a virtual table, armed with spreadsheets, calculators, and a dash of creativity.

Production Control

Production control is like the conductor’s baton in an orchestra—it keeps everything harmonious, synchronized, and on track. Whether you’re manufacturing widgets, assembling gadgets, or even orchestrating a complex service, production control is your backstage pass to efficiency.

Quality Assurance

Quality Assurance is like the guardian angel of product excellence. It ensures that what a company delivers—whether it’s a tangible product, a service, or even a digital experience—meets or exceeds established quality standards

Factory Compliance Assurance

Factory Compliance Assurance involves rigorous assessments, inspections, and audits to verify that a manufacturing facility adheres to industry standards, regulatory requirements, and contractual obligations.

Inline and Final Inspections

Inline and final inspections are the unsung heroes behind your favorite jeans or that cozy sweater. They’re the quality guardians, ensuring you look fabulous and feel confident.


We manage all the bookings, payments, documentation, foreign forwarder negotiations and update all the information to our customer.

Talk to us

Have any questions? We are always open to talk about your business, new projects, creative opportunities and how we can help you.